As a business owner, you only have so much time to focus on your social media marketing efforts. Unfortunately, even though marketing can significantly increase your client base, it is rarely given the focus in a small business, but instead, it’s wrapped up with sales, content development, and design, and when it comes to Twitter, many small businesses find themselves wandering in the dark. Here are five simple Twitter tactics that can help you get more targeted traffic to your website.
Twitter Marketing Tactic: Get Visual
If you want to utilize Twitter to help grow your business, then you have to stop thinking of the site as a text-only platform. Twitter features visual content more significantly on the site by auto-expanding images in tweets. This makes adding an image to your content more important than ever. Adding stunning photos will go a long way to help your tweets stand out amongst the crowd.
Twitter Marketing Tactic: Tease Your Followers
When you tweet out links, avoid giving out too much information about the content in the body of your tweet. If your audience can guess the entire story from merely reading the tweet, there is no reason for them to click the link to learn more. Try to frame your tweets in a way that highlights both the benefit of the content and creates curiosity.
Twitter Marketing Tactic: Be Repetitive
Twitter is the only social media platform where it’s okay to post the same update several times because updates can be easily missed on Twitter. If you want to share content several times, without annoying your readers, take the time to alter the images and text that you use in the tweet. For maximum visibility, post the tweets at different times of the day. You can easily do this with tools like Hootsuite or Buffer.
Twitter Marketing Tactic: Let Your Audience Tell You What to Do
Your Twitter followers can be extremely helpful in providing you with the direction of your content. Take some time to poll your audience by asking them what type of issues they typically face. By showing interest in the challenges that others face, you can create a circle of giving and take that build trust with users who have similar interests.
Twitter Marketing Tactic: Utilize Hashtags
According to data released by Expanded Ramblings, tweets that contain hashtags receive twice as much engagement as those without. The more involvement you have with your tweets, the more visibility you get and the more clicks your links receive.
You won’t dramatically increase traffic to your website overnight, but by implementing these five simple tactics, you can start to build a substantial presence on Twitter and turn it into a valuable source of new visitors to your company site.
Interested in boosting traffic from social media even more? Check out our blogs “4 Surprising Benefits of Instagram For Your Business” and “How To Promote Your Business On Facebook In 3 Unique Ways” to expand your social media marketing efforts to Instagram and Facebook.
Twitter Marketing Tactics Summary:
- Get Visual by adding stunning photos to grab attention fast and boost engagement levels.
- Tease Your Followers by highlighting both the benefit of the content and create curiosity.
- Be repetitive in posting as updates can be easily missed. Alter images and text and post different times of the day.
- Let your audience tell you what to do by polling them and tailor your tweets from their opinions of what’s relevant etc.
- Utilize hashtags in your posts as they massively boost engagement and exposure of your posts.
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